Manheim TorontoEvent

A consistent full disclosure inspection helps buyers to make an informed buying decision both online and in-lane. This offering protects both buyers and sellers and provides a decreased risk of arbitration and higher sales.

Our condition reports are performed by certified inspectors and use one set of inspection guidelines for all clients to guarantee consistency and quality. The InSight ECR features Manheim’s AutoGrade —an industry first system that calculates the proper Manheim/NAAA vehicle grade based on the collected vehicle information.

Vehicle images, inspection content, and AutoGrade appear online through Manheim’s Simulcast and may also be posted with listed vehicles.


Manheim Services

Review details report on each vehicle.

Click here for a full view of a Condition Report


Manheim Services

Vehicle listings with condition information are up to three-times more likely to sell. 




Manheim TorontoEvent

Complete condition information builds buyer confidence, which drives optimal sales prices and percentages.

  • Complete condition information builds buyer confidence and increases sales rates
  • When listing online, vehicles with InSight ECRs are listed first, giving you more visibility
  • Communicate reconditioning recommendations more effectively
  • Reduce Arbitrations compared to vehicles without condition information